3D Printing Materials

Using Markforged™ 5th generation composite 3D printing technology, DDI, a Markforged Northwest Printing Services provider with new Metal X 3D printing capability, means we can now print metal parts for our customers in as little as 28 hours!
Using metal powder bound in a plastic matrix eliminates the safety risk of traditional metal 3D printing while enabling new features like closed-cell infill for reduced part weight and cost.
Contact us today for additional information or to request a quotation.
Composite Base
Composite Base filaments are engineering-grade materials that print using a conventional FF (FDM-style) process. Print with them alone or with Continuous Fibers to yield strong parts. The ULTEM™ and 9085 trademarks are used under license from SABIC, its affiliates, or subsidiaries.

Continuous Fiber
Continuous Fibers enable Markforged composite printers to print metal-strength parts. They cannot be used alone — however, when printed with a Composite Base, they form the backbone of a strong printed part.
Complex geometries
Replacement parts
Corrosion-resistant parts
Wear-resistant inserts
Forming tooling
Dies & punches
Sheet metal fabrication
Forming tools & prototypes
Robotic arms
Inspection fixtures
End use parts
And More!